aftercare: grades K-5

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Aftercare at The Loft is available to students at Takoma Park Elementary (grades K-2) and Piney Branch Elementary (grades 3-5). Our studio is equipped with a wide range of art materials and a curated collection of children’s books. We guide students in an art-based exploration of the natural world, encouraging careful observation and a study of patterns and relationships. Our approach to art education is interdisciplinary, fostering connections between subjects and ideas as they are connected in the real world.

In addition to original curriculum, our space provides a creative sanctuary after a busy day. Children enjoy time with friends, unstructured play at sensory tables, and creative play with art materials. The 3/4 mile walk from school to studio provides time for children to unwind from their day, experience the changing seasons, and get to know the teachers and each other. We often use materials we’ve collected from our walk in our projects at the studio: leaves, seed pods, cicada shells. This is a time for connecting, collecting, and observing.

The Loft picks up enrolled students at school, on foot at dismissal time, including scheduled early dismissal days. We walk back to the studio in all kinds of weather! Parents pick up at the studio by 6:00pm.

See our blog post in Artful Parent about our program!

Programming prices reflect market value of classes. However, to make programming accessible to all students, we have seeded a Scholarship Fund so that we may offer classes at a lower price. We encourage those who can to contribute to this fund. Your generosity makes creative experiences available to any child in our community who would like to attend.

Please contact Lia at to hear more about scholarship options. ART IS FOR EVERYONE!

Open to children attending Takoma Park Elementary and Piney Branch Elementary only! Please contact Lia at for more information. We also have Friday clubs from 4:15-5:30, open to 9-12 year olds from any school, but no school pick up. Register for these under Classes.